Thursday, December 18, 2008

Holiday Plans Changing

Hubby just found out that he has to repeat the surgery on his back. The bulging disc, or what was bulging through his discs (I can't ever describe it right) has returned. So they have to go scrape that back off his spine so it stops bothering his nerves. He just found out that this reoccurs in about 7% of people who have that surgery. He has the surgery tomorrow, Friday.
Merry Christmas to us!

One nice aspect is we will just be hanging around this whole time chilling out at home!

Poor Hubby won't be able to go to Trans-Siberian Orchestra, play with Christmas toys or help get ready for Christmas (oh, he might find that last one a bit of a blessing too!). He will get the opportunity to watch plenty of Christmas movies though.

Please keep him in your prayers!