Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Catching Up!

I know I haven't had much up over the last little while. We've had a lot go on that I haven't taken the chance to write about. My brother came up two weekends ago with his kids and girlfriend. The kids had a blast and everything went pretty great! I was actually a bit surprised. Mike made souvlakia for us all and in the process of making the tzatziki he started a bit of a cucumber fight---flinging shredded cucumber peel and juice at each other. Sky celebrated his birthday while he was here and all the kids had a great time playing on his skateboard and actually on his DS too. Mike also picked up the Jone's Soda Halloween flavored soda. Wow!! Some pretty interesting flavors. Candy corn was the worst for me. The sour lemon was definitely the most different for a soda, Sky puckered and had a body shudder when he tried it and the rest of the flavors were pretty good.

Oh, yeah, Bo-bo is pouting below, because he wasn't getting a turn on the skateboard.

This past weekend we had a trunk or treat at the church. I was pretty grouchy by the time we got there, but was doing great by the time we left. The kids had fun and of course that is why I do so many things. Superstar pushed Bo-bo around in the stroller from trunk to trunk, by the time they made it back to me, I realized Bo-bo had been digging into his candy without bothering to take of the wrapper. Just digging right in. Cracked me up. This picture he really looks like a chocoholic in training.

The kids had fun in their costumes. We went very economical this year. Superstar was a bride. Fashionista was a contestant from Dancing With the Stars (which she loves Sabrina and Mel--it's the only show I let them watch.) Bo-bo was a lion that a friend loaned me.

We have been having our fall break this week. We have been doing activities throughout the week. Monday we went on a great nature hike in Collierville. Today we went to a corn maze with our home schooling group. We picked a pumpkin from the patch next to it afterwards. That was the first time I actually went to a pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin. It was a great time. Oh, yeah, I uploaded some new pictures too, if you want to check them out, hit the button on the bottom of the pictures.


Randi said...

Thanks for all the pics. I miss you so much!