Friday, June 13, 2008

Flashback Friday

Okay, my flashback wasn't too far back. This was from one whole year ago, from their dance recital in GA. I have had a lot of friend's kids in dance recitals and it reminded me of that hectic time. We moved here too late in the year and too broke to start the girls in anything. When I think about it, I just think of all the stress that came with doing it too. I've been secretly happy not to be doing some of these things. I know having them in extra activities can have it's advantages, just haven't been able to find the right thing for them here. The swim team has been the most tempting lately. I keep on thinking maybe next year I'll find something for them---then I worry that my natural procrastination will have them graduating college before I get around to it.

I'm up for suggestions for extra curricular activities that you have enjoyed your kids being part of.

I guess one of the thoughts I had with this post-- Is there an age that is too late to get your kids involved with some things. Now I know the Olympics are out of my reach-(kids too old for most things, no cash flow, missing talent). How do those people figure out they have an Olympic athlete anyway? Hey my kid's going to be the next Olympic Archer, Gymnast, Ice Sakter. Do they work on these ideas before kids are born? Awful side track (ADD moment). Finding their interests and balancing the finances for the stuff and life. It's a bit tricky. I guess this is just another point of their upbringing where we just muddle through it the best we can and don't feel guilty about anything. I am no longer making sense, and if I was wise I would just stop typing---and not post this. But I am too tired to reason well with myself, so I'll apologize instead. Sorry!